TUSIMAME‘s accompanying music video filmed in partnership with WildAid, released June 9th 2015, is one of the most memorable the African continent has ever produced. Shot entirely in Kenya, directed by Enos Olik and conceptualised by We Want Peace, the video takes you on a strikingly beautiful journey of joy, style and African tradition. The breath taking footage of the elephants used in the video is courtesy of WildAid and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

Download TUSIMAME today: www.itunes.apple.com


Here at We Want Peace the rapidly declining elephant population of Africa has moved us immensely, and we are looking to spread awareness of the slaughter and its horrendous cultural, economic, and ecological impact through our newest campaign “STAND FOR ELEPHANTS.”

Education is part of what we are all about. Faced with the rapid decline of the elephant population in Africa, we believe that education through music and peace activism can make a profound difference in the protection of this at-risk species.

Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust

Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust

Through STAND FOR ELEPHANTS, We Want Peace has release the pan-Africa hit TUSIMAME. With its message, we hope to help spread awareness about the damage being done by elephant poaching. TUSIMAME features hip-hop artists from across Africa including: Tanzania, Kenya, and Congo-Brazzaville as a way to reach out to communities in these countries and throughout Africa. We want to inspire communities to engage in positive action to protect the endangered elephants.


Take a special glimpse into the recording of TUSIMAME and learn about why the artists featured on the track are taking a “Stand for Elephants.”




With the worldwide release of WWP’s upcoming anthem, TUSIMAME, bringing together an attractive mesh of Africa’s most inspiring artists (from Tanzania, Congo-Brazzaville, Kenya and Sudan) WWP will make a momentous musical roar throughout all affected communities, inspiring further action from each and everyone of us to protect our African elephants.

The track’s recording took place on 22 November 2014 in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi, where the STAND FOR ELEPHANTS creative collective met with a number of fellow organisations on a similar mission to protect Africa’s glorious elephants.

Through release of TUSIMAME, and a hard-hitting pan-African, pan-artistic approach to advocacy, awareness and education, the STAND FOR ELEPHANTS campaign hopes to instill a sense of responsibility and respect to Africa’s eco-system of stunning nature. To trickle down a sense of urgent protection amongst young people across the continent. To demand a stop to the poaching, and demand a stop to the demand.

*TUSIMAME is performed in Kiswahili, Nuer, Chinese, English, French and Lingala*

Available on iTunes and Apple Music

Available on iTunes and Apple Music


Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust

Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust

An elephant tusk, which is really just a large tooth, is composed of ivory. Unfortunately, ivory is a much sought after commodity — even though there was a ban on the international trade of ivory in 1989 through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). With the rise of rich consumer markets in Asia, where people have long regarded ivory as a status symbol, the demand for ivory since 2008 has soared to an all-time high. The result has been that poaching is again rampant through African countries where elephants still roam in the wild. Elephants are being slaughtered at such an alarming rate that scientists believe this magnificent creature could actually become extinct in the wild during our lifetimes.

Dangerous international criminal syndicates that are also active in the narcotics and human trafficking industries conduct the illegal ivory trade. Besides feeding consumer demand in China and elsewhere, the trade in ivory is generating revenues that help finance extremist terrorist groups in Africa that are making life increasingly dangerous for many of our brothers and sisters. Sadly, some Africans are themselves assisting the illegal ivory trade. Sometimes it is by simply not adequately enforcing the laws that should protect elephants and punish their killers, and other times by accepting bribes to assist the killers and traffickers. Sometimes local Africans do the actual elephant killing.

This has to stop. We must all do our part to STAND FOR ELEPHANTS!


Elephants are not all that different from you and me. They live in communal settings with groups of families. Mothers care for their young much as humans do. Elephants grieve the loss of family members as we do. Elephants that survive attacks often become refugees much like humans do – displaced from their homes and left to wander in search of a place where they can simply survive.

Many people are not aware that elephants are killed when their tusks are hacked from their mouths. They even believe that the tusks grow back over time. This is false. Tusks only come from dead elephants.

Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust

Photo courtesy of The Tsavo Trust


In order to brighten the bleak future of the African Elephant, urgent efforts must be made to combat the illegal ivory trade at all levels. This includes fighting against poaching, and identifying, capturing and prosecuting those who traffic in ivory. It also includes urging government officials to take effective action, and supporting local elephant conservation efforts. Across much of Africa, elephants are viewed by local communities as their “brothers” or fellow community members, and the killing of an elephant can cause great sadness. Therefore the mobilization of the public to STAND FOR ELEPHANTS and thus help protect their own culture, their own environment, and their own future has become increasingly necessary.


Our hope is to reach out to all global citizens to join a citizen effort to save our vulnerable elephants. Through the power of music, We Want Peace is striving to spread awareness in cities and communities across Africa, utilizing our global network to spread the message. We believe sharing stories and creating awareness is a way of putting a spotlight into a dark place, to STAND FOR ELEPHANTS. Take action by talking about what you love about elephants, make your friends, family and city leaders aware about what is happening to elephants.

If you see poachers or illegal ivory being traded inform your local authority, please do not just passively stand by. Instead make the choice actively to STAND FOR ELEPHANTS.

Will you join us?


African Parks Network

Frankfurt Zoological Society

International Fund for Animal Welfare

Save the Elephants

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

The Tsavo Trust


Wildlife Conservation Society

Wildlife Direct